Shining Moments

  The words caught my attention in the midst of a busy day. We had been talking about twitter. Sorry, but that is really only if your famous and well….. Famous?! I have no desire to be famous. But faithful, yes. To the One Who loves us came with a purpose. To...
Shining Moments

Shining Moments

  If you’d have asked me way back then I would have said my purpose was to stay out of trouble and just be good. My life was simple; my world was small; my understanding of God was limited. Yes, like standing on the edge of the ocean I only dipped my toes in from...

Shining Moments

Her small face was tense, her shoulders slumped. No matter how many times I bent to talk with her this little first grader refused to meet my eyes. It bothered me to see her so anxious while her classmates were enjoying their experience of first grade. One day I...

Shining Moments

It’s pretty amazing, I heard her say as she told the story. Early Wednesday morning we woke up to a blanket of heavy snow on the ground. Branches bent low with snow and I decided to shovel the walks in a few minutes. But then I heard a sound. Scraping. Scraping. Metal...

Shining Moments

  Pay attention to those nudgings! It was a small nudging that led to my calling a woman to speak about adoption. That call led to my adopting my first daughter and then my second daughter changing my whole life. Pay attention to those nudgings! A small paperback...