Celebrate the Moments

Feb 24, 2012

Mondays wash day. Tuesdays ironing.  Wednesdays cleaning. And so the week went. My Pennsylvania Dutch Mom believed in a routine for everything. But even though the plan covered the necessary chores and responsibilities, it didn’t address the need we all have to celebrate the moments.

Celebrate life. Celebrate togetherness. Celebrate a job well done.

There’s always something to celebrate.

But it is all too easy to forget.

We become busy with one thing or another. Our energies get depleted and before we know it life has passed us by.


“We’re going to get a cake,” my oldest daughter announced today. Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

“A cake?”

“Yes, it’s time to celebrate. You need a cake.”

My weary eyes met hers and for a few minutes I was overwhelmed with feeling.

“Oh, I can read your eyes,” she wisely said. “It’s time for a big, luscious, Knakals cake.”


So together we walked into the well-known bakery and stared at the goodies looking particularly for the cakes. Our eyes all stared at the same cake.

“This one,” we told the kind lady behind the counter.

“What do you want me to write on it,” she asked taking the cake out.

“Love you,” my daughter said.


In a few minutes we drove home with our celebration cake. Laughter and excitement rang in our home as we got out the plates and forks.


Celebrating energizes.

Celebrating encourages.

Celebrating helps you remember what is most important in life. Who is important.

All life is meant to be celebrated.


Maybe it’s time you celebrate today too.


Yesterdays gone and tomorrow may never be. But we have this moment today. (Gaither)



  1. Robyn P.

    I wholeheartedly agree. Love the post.

  2. Robyn P.

    I’m going to visit my mom and had actually thought to take some coconut macaroons, which she and I love, just to say “I love you”


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