One more hug!
As I watched a little girl turned and threw her arms around her Mommy
for just one more hug
and my heart melted.
She was going to school – preparing to step on the big yellow school bus.
High steps for one so tiny
and at the last minute she ran back for that hug.
Precious to watch. Heart in throat moment for me.
Later that day I happened to be coming home from my office –
I watched the school bus stop and open its door.
I saw how the children bounded down the steps
but one little fella caught my eye.
Ran right to his Mama and threw his arms around her.
She wrapped her loving arms around him like she’d never let him leave her again.
Shining moments all over.
Love that does not change.
My mind wanders to my Lord and I see Him greeting His children
Yes, running to meet them and wrapping His loving arms around them as they come Home.
Big, huge embrace
I feel my heart swell with love as I hunger to see Him, to be with Him
And then I lift my eyes and see His face.
Shining with love and holding each one so tender and close.
Love that is for always!
Energized by His Care
I serve Him now in my little corner of the world
But there is coming a day – a glorious day!
Are you ready? Can you see it?
Let’s work while we can knowing that He love us with an amazing ‘beyond our imagination’ love.
Arms holding close. Hearts beating as one.