As I drove my car down the winding road
on my way to work
my eyes noticed an all too familiar sight up ahead.
About 20 of them.
Slowly moving ducks walking across the street.
Like confused children some walking forward
but others turning in circles
and a few walking back to the side from which they had come.
I glanced at the clock
as I slowed the car.
I had not expected this delay
I had not anticipated being slowed by ducks
and I certainly didn’t like it
but I had a choice as to how I handled it.
I’ve watched them.
Some people keep right on driving
even killing a duck or two in the process.
Their agenda is more important.
That’s what drives them.
Others sit and blow their horn hoping
to somehow scare the ducks.
My approach is to slow to a crawl
but keep moving forward.
Inch by inch.
The ducks see the car and gradually ‘get it’.
Little by little they waddle out of the way
leaving me room to keep moving forward.
Life is sometimes like
an encounter with those ducks.
Things seem to be going smoothly.
You know where you are going
and have it timed just right
according to your agenda
but then you see ducks in your way.
That’s where you have a choice!
Are you going to blow your horn
or your top?
Give voice to your opinions?
Or will you just plow ahead sometimes regardless of the one in your way?
Maybe we don’t have to do either.
Maybe we can keep moving forward
ever so slowly
accomplishing our desire in a peaceful way.
Don’t let the ducks get to you.
Sure they can be annoying but they teach us much about patience
and peace
and purpose.
Barriers in our path if seen as opportunities
only serve to make us better.
Let’s join hands and continue on
knowing that there’s plenty to do today.
Let’s keep our eyes on the goal
and a song in our heart.
Will you join me?