Shining Moments

Feb 25, 2013


While we walk He works.

Yes, that’s always how it goes.

We labor focusing on completing this and doing that.

We pray knowing that He sees all.

But nothing seems to be happening.

Nothing seems to change.

Wiping the sweat from our brow

it is all too easy to begin to feel

that God has forgotten you

and that nothing means nothing.

Did Joseph ever wonder as he labored in the Egyptian prison?

Did Daniel ever question as he stood in the lions den?

How about Moses as he walked once more to confront Pharaoh?

Did Naomi as she slowly journeyed back that rugged path to Bethlehem?

It’s easy to look back at their stories and see how God provided

at just the right time

but their stories of grace are written for our encouragement


While we walk

and labor

and faithfully serve Him

God is working

behind the scenes

carefully preparing the answer for just the right time

and growing within us trust and confidence in Him.

What hope that gives.

Fresh courage


Power in the bones.

While we walk

He works.

He prepares the answer for just the right time.

Let’s not become discouraged

or faint of heart

as we wipe the sweat and take another deep breath

journeying forward.

God always keeps His promises.

He will not fail you.

His eye is on the sparrow

and I know He cares for you, my friend.


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