Shining Moments

Jul 11, 2013

About a year ago my daughters and I spent time with some friends on their farm.

The memory of that day – the wide open sky, the vast field and grazing animals,

the laughter and time of fellowship is cherished in my heart.

It was one of those times when it hit me

like an arrow hitting its mark

how very blessed we are in this country.

And I realize that the smallest thing

when you think about it

oftentimes is an essential in other parts of the world.

When my eyes rest on a goat, for instance,

I see simply an animal- one of the Billy Goats Gruff –

while many others see a goat as meat and milk for a whole family.

I observe chickens

enjoying their cuteness and fluff

but others see eggs and meat.

I enjoy going to our local Farmers Market.

It not only is a feast for the eyes and a place to pick up some healthy fruits and

vegetables.  Flowers and baked goods,

but also a time to greet friends and neighbors.

But in so many parts of the world a Farmers Market or a simple stand by the side of

the road is the place to earn a living.

Open my eyes, Lord, and help me to see

that many things that I take for granted here

are essential for survival for much of the world.

My heart longs to move beyond awareness to actually doing more for others.

It’s all too easy to become lulled into complacency,

distracted by the tyranny of the urgent

meanwhile missing the most important things in life.

“What does the Lord require – to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

A goat,

a market,

clear running water,

bread and more.

My prayer longs to pour out mercy to a needy world

in a life of giving so that others may live.

Hearts that begin to see

hunger to do more

as we wade out into the ocean of need and away from the known.

Hearts that cannot rest until they discover His Peace

in being broken bread and poured out wine

in our world today.


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