by SharonBrani | Apr 12, 2019 | fear and anxiety, Inspirational, Life Coaching
Every change involves letting go of what has been to embrace the new. Now I don’t know about you but that’s sometimes been a process for me. Letting go of the beautiful pink flowered bedroom in Kansas City for the ugly yellow bedroom in Owego. But it didn’t take me...
by SharonBrani | Jun 7, 2013 | Adoption, Inspirational, Life Coaching
Simply trusting. Letting the Lord of life work in our lives for good and His Glory. Trusting. So much easier to talk about than to do. Memories of myself doing the overhead monkey bars. Eyeing my destination letting go and grabbing the next. Swinging back and forth in...
by SharonBrani | Jan 22, 2013 | Adoption, Inspirational, Life Coaching
In order to adopt I had to do two things. First, I had to let go of my longing for security. and trust that God would provide somehow someway. I remember being at the airport and walking towards the gate for all those boarding the Washington,DC to Moscow flight. Heart...
by SharonBrani | Feb 8, 2012 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Life is made of choices. Our success in life depends upon making wise choices. And among the all the choices we make every day one of the most crucial is knowing what things to let go of and what to hold on to. But all too often we get this confused, don’t we? We hold...