by SharonBrani | Jul 21, 2017 | Inspirational, Life Coaching, Parent Coaching, Wellness Coaching
I got up early, reached for my list and quickly scanned the items wondering how in the world I would get it all done. Sigh. Reaching for a cup of freshly made coffee I sank down into the comfortable chair – the one that I sit in to have my Quiet Time. Flipping the...
by SharonBrani | Dec 7, 2012 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Do you ever feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere? Like a gerbil on his wheel round and round and round weary from the running but realizing that you’ve never moved. Life can have its moments but it’s up to us to plan for...
by SharonBrani | Dec 4, 2012 | Adoption, Inspirational, Life Coaching
Are you aware of the tension in life? The pull to do and go and acquire more and then the pull to slow down and grow in peace. It’s a tension that maybe we will always have. But during these special days of preparation before Christmas I find myself even more aware of...
by SharonBrani | Sep 21, 2012 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
The sirens scream not far from our home. Cars squeal their wheels. Sounds of the helicopter overhead. Trucks, ambulances. The sounds of busy life are everywhere Oftentimes making it difficult to concentrate. Hard to hear the sounds of nature all...
by SharonBrani | Dec 13, 2011 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Transformation is all around us. Houses once dark are glistening with lights. Yards are decorated with reds and greens. Front doors are wreathed with Christmas greetings. But with all that outward change of the past view days I’m wondering about hearts. Is your heart...