by SharonBrani | Apr 22, 2013 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Thirsty. Hearts thirsty for love and belonging. Souls thirsty for forgiveness and redemption. Minds thirsty for truth. Bodies thirsty for water. Living water that satisfies our deepest need. We live in a world that drains and exhausts all our energies. Day after day...
by SharonBrani | Feb 5, 2013 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Drink more water! I’ve known the benefits of drinking water for years. From time to time we stock up on water bottles but then life will get busy and I’ll simply forget how essential yes, essential it is to drink water. Drinking water not only is important for a...
by SharonBrani | Aug 8, 2012 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
He bent over the water checking as if to see if it was just right for him. Maybe some concerns that it would be too warm for his taste. It had been hot in Virginia the past few days. I watched my tiny feathered friend as he took a long drink and then as if on...
by SharonBrani | Feb 22, 2012 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Ash Wednesday brings memories of being in school and seeing some of my classmates with ashes on their foreheads. I did not understand Lent back then. I dare say I am only just beginning to grasp its meaning today. Lent is a time of reflection. A time of looking...
by SharonBrani | Feb 10, 2012 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Like a race, my life is lived one step at a time. Feet hitting pavement. Breathing in, breathing out. Miles pass as I keep running and running. The race is long. I often get weary, don’t you? My eyes scan the sides of the rode longing for water. But there is...