The words caught my attention in the midst of a busy day.
We had been talking about twitter.
Sorry, but that is really only if your famous
and well…..
Famous?! I have no desire to be famous.
But faithful, yes.
To the One Who loves us came with a purpose.
To live and then die for sinful man
To pay the price for our sin.
To defeat death
and redeem us.
To show us how to live and love.
On every seemingly ordinary day, His Voice calls out,
“I love you.
Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden.
And I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Rest, He offers.
Not more work.
Another agenda.
A schedule of more and more busynesses.
No, He offers His life for ours.
Yes, there might be work but it will flow from Him through us
as the ocean tides comes in and goes out.
As we receive Him
His thoughts,
His purpose,
His Love
we give it out
and live it out
in simple,
everyday ways.
One simple conversation with a neighbor becomes holy ground
as we genuinely share concern and hope.
Playing the piano for one
with the angels singing
becomes laced with more importance and meaning to the Lord
than maybe playing in a huge concert hall.
Famous? No, I have no desire to be famous
actually I pray for those who are famous. Their lives are not easy.
The cost is high.
But faithful, yes that is my heart’s desire, my purpose
One day after another
to faithfully serve Him
my whole being at His service
whatever He says
wherever He sends.
To not hold back
but to give thanks to Him in a world that sometimes doesn’t want to hear
to freely, freely serve.
Be Thou my Wisdom
And Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord
Faithfully serving
Faithfully sharing
my heart faithfully beating for the Lord of my Heart.
Do you long for that too?
If so, please let me know.