It’s sat there on a chair for many months.
The story that’s yet to be finished.
Maybe for you it’s something else.
That song that’s never been written;
the course that’s never been taken;
the degree that’s never been completed or
the race that’s never been run.
It was so easy to just ignore it –
push it away
cover it with other papers
do what is urgent
Day after day unfolded into week after week
month after month and year after year.
Yes, I’d meant to complete the manuscript this year
but life can become so busy, can’t it?
There was always something else that I needed to do.
I felt a nudge
or a strong tap on my shoulder.
And I knew that it was time to get out that half written manuscript,
blow off the dust from the pages
and finish it.
How did I know?
Well, on an ordinary day I went out to walk my dog.
Yes, my cocker that either charges ahead with unbridled enthusiasm
or stubbornly drags her feet.
After an invigorating walk of push and pull
I came home and sat down to catch up on email and recent posts.
The title of the blog ‘The Story of a Half Written Book’
by Glenys Nellist caught my attention. Be sure to read it.
Suddenly I knew that it had been written for me.
Has that ever happened to you?
My heart beat fast with excitement and joy.
I knew that I had to get out that dusty old manuscript.
I had to complete what I had started long ago.
Sure, there were many reasons why it had been pushed to the side.
Good reasons
but this was now.
I had to begin again and push through to the end.
So I will.
It’s always too soon to quit, my friends.
Join me, won’t you, in finishing what you have started?
Let’s stop making excuses
and instead be strengthened to stretch ourselves
and dream
and work
to finish the task He set before us.
Taps on the shoulders, nudges of love,
all designed to speak focus and direction.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8
Sharon, I am so glad my post inspired you. Blessings on your writing and finishing my friend.
Thanks, Glenys.I am so grateful for your words today. They were truly inspired and timely. It will take some intentional time but I will finish.