The Great Big YES

Many have written about the word they have chosen for 2017 but no word reached out and grabbed me. Nothing. Not until —– I was pondering one evening about many things and talking with my daughters about life and various things. When suddenly it came. That...

Always Hope

  Like a race, my life is lived one step at a time. Feet hitting pavement. Breathing in, breathing out.  Miles pass as I keep running and running. The race is long. I often get weary, don’t you? My eyes scan the sides of the rode longing for water. But there is...

When The Rain Outside Blocks The Sun

Outside the world is dark and drear Cold rain steadily trickling down adding to the challenge of  a Monday. Although it might be easy to give in to the mood of the weather outside I realize there is more. Deep inside is a song a perpetual  song that sings in all kinds...

Shining Moments

“Be sure that you know how each of your students gets home,” we were told on the first day of school. It was essential. Some children were picked up. Others rode the bus. A few rode the bus to a childcare facility. And although when the children got off the bus in the...