It’s Time To Finish It

   It’s sat there on a chair for many months. The story that’s yet to be finished. Maybe for you it’s something else. That song that’s never been written; the course that’s never been taken;   the degree that’s never been completed or   the race that’s never been...

Steppingstones To A Rich Life

From as far back as I can remember I have loved books. Childrens books.  Biographies. Fiction. Non fiction I will never forget the day that my Dad bought  a collection of five thousand books at an auction and instantly we had a library in our home. Shining moment all...

When I Can’t Do More

As I glanced at the Market Guide resting on the bookcase my heart did a sad flip. Right, my dreams to write – my goals to finish that book – all placed on hold for I have no idea how long. Tears press behind my eyes as I realize that unless something changes I won’t...

Shining Moments

I glanced at the grade on the top of the paper     and my heart sank again. In discouragement I stuffed it into my folder     and walked back to my dormitory on the western New York campus. It seemed no matter how hard I tried to write a good paper for my English...