Over and over I hear those words ‘I can’t’. Words that proclaim failure. Words that keep one stuck and unable to move forward. Words that are lies. Do you use them?
No matter what your situation you can grow. You can learn. You can move forward. But it begins with changing your mindset. So let’s begin today and you will see a difference in your life.
First, focus your mind on what you can do rather than what you think you can’t do. Constantly speaking the positive will move you forward into greater possibilities and growth.
Second, surround yourself with positive minded people. They will encourage you and help you see all the possibilities that are available to you.
Third, and most important, rely on God. One of my favorite verses and the reason behind so many of the risks that I have taken is Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways rely on Him and He will direct your path.
Yes, it’s a promise. As you trust in the One Who surrounds you with Love He will direct your steps and lead you into adventures beyond your greatest imagination. He’s done that for me and I know that He will do that for you.
Practice these three steps and watch your confidence grow. Have a wonderful day.