Shining Moments

Shining Moments

Valentines Day sparkles with shining moments – times when I moved into His Steps days when I’ve done the unusual, the unexpected moments when my heart has practically burst with joy when I’ve seen that special light in another eyes. Valentines Day can be a...
Shining Moments

Shining Moments

In the middle of the night I creep down the stairs to listen to my lab’s deep breathing. Thank you, Lord, I whisper as I quietly tiptoe back upstairs. All is well. At almost 15 years old I count every day with her a gift. She’s been sick lately and I’ve been nursing....

Shining Moments

I watched with surprise as she grabbed the package and took off running after the man in dark clothing. Out the door she raced while I stood at the checkout counter watching. Amazing! Someone who cares in a world that often just moves on. Ordinarily if someone forgets...
Shining Moments

Shining Moments

The wind howled outside our townhouse as I sat there in the dark that February night many years ago. I stepped to the window to look outside. Snow, huge piles of snow had drifted across the street, and over our car. Now without electricity it would only be a short...

Shining Moments

Drink more water! I’ve known the benefits of drinking water for years. From time to time we stock up on water bottles but then life will get busy and I’ll simply forget how essential yes, essential it is to drink water. Drinking water not only is important for a...