If I had a thousand words I would want them to be words of hope and encouragement
and love. Yes, a thousand words would hardly do justice to all that I think and feel.
I would want to wrap my words around you to let you know that you are special, you have significance just the way you are.
No need to do anything more.
No degree or fancy title needed.
No particular job.
No facelift or tummy tuck.
No just a right now ‘special’.
You. Amazing you.
If I had a thousand words I would want them to cover my precious daughters with my forever love.
From the moment I laid eyes upon them my life has been different.
Changed forever by this all so powerful everlasting love.
Such marvelous gifts. Tangible expressions of the Father’s Love.
If I had a thousand words I would want them to stretch from here to there and back again telling others about not only the wonder of who they are
but also
of the unspeakable way they matter.
In this huge complex world that they daily make a difference.
If I had a thousand words I would fill the blank page with word after word
proclaiming the joy and wonder of being alive
of taking my place
and serving
day after day,
Moment after moment.
Yes and if I had a thousand words I would write my gratitude to Him
Who loves me no matter what.
Who carries me when I’m too tired to go it alone.
Who is and was and always will be.
Yes with those thousands words I would only just have begun to write His praises with my pen.
A thousand words. So few it seems.
But words that would be multiplied to touch the hearts of others.
with His Love.