Beginning Today

May 31, 2023

We can’t move forward when we’re constantly looking backward.

It’s true. 

Have you ever tried it?

Stumbling, fumbling, walking right into things.

It’s impossible to go forward.

But we say we want to.

We declare that we must move forward.

But it’s the looking back, isn’t it?

That’s what keeps us from making progress.

Yes, it keeps us frustrated and discouraged.

Until we finally realize 

That we’ve been looking back.

Mulling over that conversation

those words too hastily spoken

that painful loss

the ocean of ‘if onlys’

Back back we go

Berating ourselves and maybe someone else




When all the while we know we must move forward.

God reminds us to seek Him above all

And to let Him have all of the past.

Commit your way unto the Lord.

Commit in Hebrew means to roll.

Yes to roll like a giant ball

All those worries and thoughts to Him.

He will pick it up and carry it and throw it

So that we can follow Him

And experience the joy of His Presence Now.

As we begin to do that He opens up for us a marvelous 

opportunity to walk in the wonder of His Grace and Power.

And to experience His Strength and Power in our lives.

He is faithful and never disappoints.

He only calls us to refuse to look back

And to begin by taking one step 






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