No matter how you look at it Christmas involves waiting.
Children impatiently ask, “How many more days?’
Weary parents wait in long lines. Desperate people wait for their next pay check
in order to buy the little they can to make Christmas for their family.
We anxiously wait for packages to arrive holding special contents.
Waiting in never easy.
But waiting does not mean that nothing is happening.
No, behind the scenes things are happening. We just can’t see them.
So we wait. Sometimes impatiently. Sometimes nervously. Rarely with peace and contentment.
Think back to the birth of Jesus.
Mary and Joseph waited wondering where and when this special little baby Who was God in flesh would be born.
And all the while God was organizing all the tiny details of the Extraordinary Event to take place.
Shepherds waited completely unaware of the miracle until the Angels announced His birth.
But God was at work behind the scene.
Today you might find yourself experiencing another long wait. Do not be discouraged.
He knows your every need. He understands how very hard it is to wait.
Trust Him as He works for you.
Rely upon Him to do all things well.
Rejoice in knowing that at the right time the answer will be revealed.
Christmas waiting.
One day closer.
His Love cares about our waits. His Love works for us in ways we can not see.
But at that right time, He will break through all the long days and nights of waiting and
His Glory will be revealed.
Have a blessed day, dear friend,
as you wait.