When I was a child I used to want to fly.
So much.
Sometimes I would even jump off my bed longing to fly
when no one was looking.
But every time I painfully hit the ground awakening to the fact that
that I didn’t have the ability to fly.
I’d watch the birds with perfect faith wing their way to skies overhead.
I even remember going to the huge airport in Kansas City at eight or nine
and watching the big planes take off and land.
Deep within me was a hunger for higher.
For more than walking on land.
Then there was the time I boarded a gigantic plane to fly to Russia
on a mission to adopt my baby girl.
High above the clouds we flew that night-
for it was in the black of the night that that plane took off.
Above all the ‘how in the world are you’ questions..
Above my own fears and doubts.
Yes, there way up high I surrendered my fears to the Lord.
Whatever your Will is, Lord. I accept it. Your Will; not mine.
And with that unspoken surrender there was peace.
An amazing peace.
Yes, He has always provided.
Has always made a way where there seems to be no way.
Teaching me to wing my prayers to Him
And to receive the answers.
Rising above the earthly weights that can all too easily ground us.
You know – ‘You just can’t do it’.
‘Give up’. ‘It won’t work’.
‘Never. Never’. ‘It’s just not been done that way before’.
Weights that limit our imagination
And destroy faith that soars high.
Today I wandered by the old playground.
The one where my daughters used to laugh and play
and swing high to the moon and back.
My eyes fell on the childhood plane.
The one that they used to ride high into the sky
and fly to Maine or Florida or China.
It’s looking older these days but still there for children to fly.
I thought to myself “You too can still fly.”
“Yes, you can.” And then I had a little conversation with myself.
“Where would you like to go?” I wondered.
I have no idea but deep within is still that longing to fly high-
To soar above the clouds.
To do what might even seem impossible to others
Because God loves to do what seems impossible to us.
Yes, He still calls us to soar high with Him.
To use those wings of faith and pray prayers that move mountains.
He whispers that more things are possible than we can even imagine.
Much more.
So lets stir our faith and blow that dust off those dreams.
And let’s open our hearts to possibilities.
What would you do if you could do it?
Think long and hard. Let that thought stay with you for awhile.
And so will I.
Let’s keep flying, my friends.
For the Lord of life loves to lift us out of the here and now,
ordinary living
and breathe new ideas, fresh dreams within us.
Listen and follow.
You can trust Him to lead you safely.
God, my shepherd!
I don’t need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
you let me catch my breath
and send me in the right direction. Ps. 23:2 Message