It was quite a spontaneous thing to do –
although aren’t those sometimes the most memorable?
It was a few days before Christmas and I was looking for Christmas.
Decorations were all around
carols were playing
gifts under the beautifully decorated Christmas tree
But something was missing.
Something that I have longed to experience
since that time many years ago when I slipped the Christmas wrapped shoebox
up the rickety stairs and placed it
at the front door
of the poorest of families.
Big, brown eyes had met mine and danced during the summer Head Start program
and I oftentimes prayed for that sweet little boy.
After I left that mysterious box I had many moments of pleasure
imagining the joy this family had upon finding it.
So once more I looked and prayed for opportunities to give.
To give and to do
just because
Love is
and love came down at Christmas time.
So on this particular afternoon a few weeks ago
my daughters and I walked into a nearby nursing home
and sang carols with the residents.
My eyes scanned the wrinkled faces as I played the piano
and my heart rejoiced
for once more showing me Christmas.
He comes unexpectedly
and whispers peace.
He shows His Presence in quiet off the busy highway places.
He reaches out to those hungry, thirsty with nothing to give back
and He pours out His amazing love.
Those moments of song continue to brighten my days
and give warmth though now we are deep into January.
But the truth whispers still –
Don’t worry about what you can’t do.
“We can only do the best we can with what we have. That, after all, is the measure of success: what we do with what we have.”
― Marguerite de Angeli, The Door in the Wall
Not just at Christmas
but every day.
What do you have?
What can you do?
No matter how small it might seem –
Yes, even a smile,
give it, share it, pour it out generously,
and great will be your reward.