Just the thought of going backwards makes me cringe.
I’m a forward thinking gal. I don’t like losing time.
I see it better as a runner and it’s true in all of life.
not all the time,
but sometimes you must go backwards so you can go forward.
A few weeks ago I injured my right knee while running.
To be honest, I got too excited, too motivated, too lost in the fun
whatever it was
It was too much
for my knee.
At first I hobbled
and expected to be out running within a few days.
I’d never had a running injury.
Never in all my 40 some years running.
I limped painfully upstairs and downstairs
but no way could I begin to run.
I pouted. And fussed within.
Come on, Lord. Please heal this old knee.
As one day led to another I began to accept that this would be a slow heal.
So I rested.
And waited.
One week.
Two weeks.
Three weeks.
Four weeks.
Until today when I laced on my shoes and went out for a gentle run.
It was smooth and gloriously pain-free.
Reminding me again
that some times
many times in life
I need to relax and be patient (not my favorite trait).
I must be flexible and adjust.
And look for the benefits of resting rather than pushing, pressing and insisting on my way.
I find this is true so much in life.
Plans are made, goals are written – when suddenly the unexpected happens.
And I have to change.
Yes, accept the things I cannot change
And change the things I can.
I love to run, and pray, and sing, and dance and be active.
But when life hits
suddenly you have to pick up the pieces,
wait on endless hold
listen to His Spirit within
all the while knowing that our times are in His Hands.
Healing is important. Learning to wait is essential.
Yes, He’s teaching me but I have a long way to go.
Life is made of million upon million life moments.
The more we let go and are willing to even go backwards, if needs be,
we will keep going forward.
Growing in grace and truth.
And maybe even growing in understanding that it’s not about our timing.
It’s all about Him.