The morning dawned early here at my favorite place on earth.
As I lay on the bed the sound of the ocean waves lapping the beach met my ears.
I smiled to myself.
It had been some year.
Challenges and changes that caused my hair to get even whiter.
Here I was at the beach, Again.
We often hear that phrase ‘God is good.’
Maybe you have said it too.
And He is. Yes, He certainly is.
Always and forever good.
Whether I see it at the time or not good.
When everything falls apart and my world shatters
He is good.
His goodness transcends my feelings.
His goodness is – whether I get it or not.
Life can be so very hard.
Painful, painful moments.
The woman struggling to just keep it together for her kids
But every day brings her closer to ruin.
The one who recently got difficult news from the doctor.
News they hoped to never hear
But now its their battle. Their life.
Homes are lost; possessions destroyed
One silently cries in her pillow at night
Sure that nobody cares.
But that is not true.
There is One who does care
And who has promised to walk through every experience,
every trial
with us.
Years ago my life was shattered.
I will never forget the struggle to go on…
Gut wrenching sobs,
Broken into a zillion little pieces.
Was God still good then, you might ask.
Yes, He was. Not with a soft, tender understandable to man goodness.
No, but good as a loving Father to His child.
He knew what was best for me.
Today looking back I see in part His strengthening my relationship with Him,
His teaching me to trust Him,
His wooing me to value Him above all.
It is all too easy to get lost in His gifts and then
when something happens
to be shattered.
But is God good?
Oh my, yes. He is the very essence of Goodness
But our world can hardly grasp it.
We get lost in our selfishness and in playing with toys.
But He is so good.
So very, very good.
No matter what.
Now let’s let that Truth brighten our days.
I’m willing to.
Will you join me?
Great blog! &gorgeous photo!!
Thank you for leaving such an encouraging comment. I greatly appreciate it. Greatly!