I wish that someone had told me when I was young.
I wish that I had read a book or newspaper on this topic
but somehow I missed it and I don’t want you to miss it too.
It is so important
and when you know it I’m sure that you will agree.
In a world where noise often drowns out music
Yes, that’s it.
Everyone is born with a song.
Children sing with abandon early in life
but that song usually is muffled and the tender voice quieted as the child grows.
But your song
is part of who you are. Like your hair and your eyes.
Sing your song now.
Yesterday I heard it. Yes, two times I stopped in my tracks and listened.
First, when I was out on a winter morning run.
All of a sudden I heard this glorious song from somewhere overhead.
I slowed my pace and scanned the trees
looking for that musician that accompanied me on my early morning run.
But I never saw my feathered friend.
For the rest of the day though I remembered the lilting qualities of that song.
And then later in the day
I was downstairs working
when suddenly I heard this gorgeous singing.
This time I knew who it was.
Yes, my youngest daughter was filling our home with beautiful music. Spontaneous. Filled with joy.
Her song.
So special
Especially remembering that when I first met her
she did not sing at all.
No, the song was silenced within her
and it took years to draw it out.
Years of patient nurturing.
But today her song peals forth with ease
and I love it.
Thank you, Lord.
I didn’t discover my song until later in life but today it sings itself naturally.
How about you?
Are you singing your song?
Do you even know your own song?
We read articles about dressing for success and polishing your resume
but until you discover your own song
you will merely be an echo of someone else.
You are marvelously created and given your own unique song.
Sing it out for all to hear.
Without your song our world is missing something very special.
Don’t forget this important reminder.
Deep within your soul
is a song
just waiting to be song.
Your song.
SING YOUR SONG, my friend,
and have a wonderful new year.