Life has the most unexpected moments. One day my girls and I are shivering together wishing the heater would create more heat. The next day it is so warm that our coats are thrown off, the windows are raised and we all pile in the car for ice cream cones.
In January.
No matter how we try to figure out things, life is predictably unpredictable.
Maybe that’s why it is an adventure.
Or a discovery.
Or a maze.
Or a walk in the fog.
You think you are going in one direction when all of a sudden the doors bang shut and you find yourself back at the beginning.
How do you deal with the unexpected twists and turns of life?
I am learning to give thanks. Even though many times I just don’t understand.
Years ago I sat in my small room in Kiev staring at all the pink baby clothes on my bed.
Pants. Dresses. Jacket and hat. But no child. No, the adoption failed and I was left in my heartbreak to readjust and prepare to return to the states with empty arms.
It seemed cruel at the time. I didn’t understand. But adoption is always an unknown.
I knew that. I didn’t know why.
What I know now though is that I had not yet met my little girl.
It was another year until I finally found sweet Jenny in Russia. There is no doubt in my mind that she was meant for me.
When the way seems dark and confusing. And you struggle with the unexpected changes
Remember that He is always working behind the scenes.
Saturday-the day after Good Friday and the day before Easter Sunday.
It appeared like nothing was happening. Nothing.
But there was. God was at work for you and for me.
He always is. Love keeps reaching.
That is why I thank Him whether I understand it or not. One day I might. If it still matters. But for now, I’ll lean into the waves and ride them.
Ice cream in January.