Let Christmas Find You

Dec 6, 2011

Although the years have come and gone there was one Christmas that I will never forget.

My heart had recently been broken into a million pieces and although the world around me was singing Christmas joy I had a hard time joining in. No, that year Christmas was more something to get through.


A few days before Christmas I got a phone call asking me if I’d be willing to play the piano for an elderly woman who was homebound. Her family was long since gone and there would be nothing else for her. But she loved music.

Well, I knew that I could still play the piano. Yes, I would do what I could.

So on the appointed day I drove out into the country, went up to the front door of the old country home and hesitated a moment. I quickly took in the broken screen on the door and the run-down appearance on the place.

But I had promised.

I knocked on the door and heard the faint response inside. So pushing the door open, I walked in.

There sitting on an old rocker was the little old woman looking like a Norman Rockwell figure. Her eyes crinkled in a million lines as she smiled and motioned me towards the old piano in the front room.

I walked over to it noticing the missing keys and faded yellow ones. After I slipped off my coat I sat down on the rickety circular piano stool.

Lord, please help me, I whispered doubting if any semblance of music could be played on the old piano.

But I placed my fingers on a key and slowly began to play. Instantly I could sense the old woman’s delight. Looking over to where she sat I noticed her eyes lifted up and her wrinkled hands pressed together as if in prayer.

For the next hour I played that piano. Although the music was off-key and some notes were missing, it didn’t seem to matter. No, that precious woman and I were wrapped in a Christmas story that I will never forget.

So this year, let Christmas find you.

It might be hard for you this year. Life can be very difficult at times but Christmas is a time when God still reaches down and wraps a hurting world in His Love.

Look for ways that you can be Christmas for another.



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