Life is made of choices. Our success in life depends upon making wise choices.
And among the all the choices we make every day one of the most crucial is knowing what things to let go of and what to hold on to.
But all too often we get this confused, don’t we?
We hold onto what we must let go. Again and again.
It seeps in so subtly.
The hurts, slights, criticisms, that come our way.
“You should have ….” You certainly could have….”
Words that sting. Words that threaten to completely unglue us at the moment and years afterwards.
Memories of past hurts. Disappointments. Broken dreams.
We must Let Go.
We must press toward the mark. (Phil. 3:14) Place our hand in His. Refuse to look back.
Determine that the past will not define our present and our future.
We must refuse to carry it any more.
Have you done that today? Are you walking determined to let go?
And with the letting go we must carefully hold on.
Hold on to what?
Hold onto the Truth that we are not alone. Never. Never. Never alone.
We must hold onto His Promise of Strength, Wisdom and Grace.
We must hold onto His Love in spite of all our imperfections and failures.
He Loves Us.
Let His Love wrap strong arms of comfort around you today.
Let His Love sing over you and breathe within you fresh Hope and Encouragement.
You belong.
His mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Choose today to let go of the lies that continue to pester and annoy.
Choose to hold the Truth that will never let you down.
Have a wonderful day!