Life The Way It Was Meant To Be

Nov 21, 2011


Black Friday? Sales? Endless shopping? A whirlwind of activities?

How do you keep your balance when society is pushing harder and harder for more and more?   If we allow ourselves to go along with the flow we will easily find ourselves exhausted, financially over extended and in debt.

But what can we do?

Years ago when I was transitioning from one career to another our little family experienced Christmas the way it was meant to be.  I, a single parent, longed to buy the moon for my little 4 year old. But there was no way that I could. I was paying rent and my townhouse still refused to sell. Every month we moved closer to the financial edge.

So I decided to get her one gift. Yes, one special gift.

For days I thought and prayed and pondered what she would enjoy the most. And finally I decided on buying her a very special white cocker spaniel Christmas puppy.

Yes, our Christmas was simple but it was so very special. Today fourteen years later she still talks about that time.

Thanksgiving is not about Black Friday sales. Christmas is not about buying more stuff.

No, it’s all about heart. Discovering the Heart of Christmas.

Many years ago the Heart of our Father chose to give His beloved Son to a hurting world.

He gave what the world needed. Not necessarily what the world wanted.

As our hearts turn to the Father in thanks let us open ourselves to the ways that we can honor Him the most this Christmas.

Consider doing it different.

Slow down. Take deep breaths. Put on that soft music. Live simply. Love deeply from your heart.

Won’t you join me?



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