Living “Out of the Box’

Mar 2, 2023

Remember the thrill you’d feel when as a child you knew 

that summer vacation was coming?

I, as teacher, would write the number of days left 

on the board

and each day

as an important ritual

I’d erase the old number and write with bold numerals

the correct number.

A ripple of joy-filled excitement could be heard 

as my boys and girls

anticipated no more school.

You could feel their enthusiasm

and I was well aware of mine.


Or Christmas-

Do you recall as a child

how the closer we got to Christmas

the more excited you became?


Anticipation gives energy and life and hope.


The difficulties of life can oftentimes drain the very vitality and energy from us

But again and again I see how strength is restored

as we focus on God’s promises. His Way. Sometimes ‘out of the box’.

Anticipation is about expectation. 

Looking ahead to what is coming

and believing with certainty

that it will happen.


So how do we harness anticipation

and make it work for us?

One of the ways is by intentionally creating 

a ‘Stay Tuned’ mentality for yourself.

Yes, we have plenty of activities and plans scheduled

But let’s ‘Stay tuned’ for the unexpected.

Expect the Divine Interruption.

Embrace it

Seek it

Revel in the adventure of living.

It’s all too easy to miss the real adventure

because we are too scheduled

too bound

too trapped in our small everyday life.


I propose that we –

Throw off the chains

Seek to be alive

And do the unexpected.

Play. Explore. Create never forget moments,


Join me in living purposefully alive.

Discover a life ‘out of the box’.

Are you ready?



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