He writes it in the sky in every sunrise
and again every night in every sunset.
He fills our skies with rainbows and northern lights
Saying again and again
“I love you, my child.”
But although I have seen His Handiwork again and again
I often grow weary on this journey of life.
Yes, my heart often beats heavy with care for so many
and I hunger and thirst for the touch of His Presence.
You know… You’ve been there too.
It was one of those days this past Saturday.
Busy with so many things to do but not enough time.
Working hard upstairs at my computer.
Watching the clock and seeing that things were taking much longer to complete.
I rose from my seat and strolled over to the window
to gaze out at the newly fall snow.
Suddenly my eyes looked down and I saw it.
A huge Valentine on the snow.
“I love you.”
Joy beyond words flooded my heart
Love energized.
Love encouraged.
Love lifted me up from the daily necessities
into the awareness of His Forever Presence.
Weary eyes sparkled again with hope and new life.
Yes, two special daughters surprised me with the heart in the snow
and I knew the Hand behind it.
Constantly caring
irresistibly drawing
unexplainably declaring again and again
that we are not alone.
No, He walks beside us
through every day.
Look for His fingerprints as you go through your day.
He delights to reveal Himself to those Who wait on Him.