Feeling defeated?
Overwhelmed by life’s circumstances?
How do you move forward when you’re stuck in this place?
Right now take charge of your life and begin to move forward anyway
by following these 3 simple steps.
- Recognize what the fear is
Yes, call it by name. Write it down. Say it out loud. Whether a fear of flying or roller coasters, or beginning a small business. Pesky fears can eat at our confidence and destroy our sense of well being. When God confronted Moses on the farside of the wilderness at Mount Horeb out of the burning bush. (Exodus 3) He broke through the ordinary and revealed His amazing Plan. But Moses was afraid. What’s your fear?
- Ask yourself why it’s holding you back
Face it clearly. What’s been keeping your trapped? All too often our focus is on our own limitations and ourselves. We resist change and have a defeated mindset. But you can rise to the challenge and overcome by a choice to see things differently.
- Reset your mindset and begin to focus on the positive outcomes. Realize and embrace the resources you do have. Right now. He has promised to be with you. Always. No matter what.
You can do more than you think you can. You are more than you think you are. His power within you enables you to rise to new heights and accomplish more than you ever could in your own strength.
Ready to be an overcomer?
Thanks for the encouragement, Shari!
Thanks, Hulda. So glad you were encouraged and your words uplift me.
I suspect most of us relate, Sharon. I do. Thanks.
How kind of you to leave a comment, Mary. Thank you. It is amazing that in the midst of the darkest times He enables us to be more than conquerors. Yes, more than.