So Tim Tebow has turned down a request for him to join CBS’s studio crew for the telecast of AFC Championship game on Sunday. He has that ‘much more’ quality and time will tell what his future holds.
Much more.
There is more to this life than what we can see. Much more.
There is more to YOUR life than what you see. Much more.
Yes, you were created with a unique plan and purpose. A plan that is much more than you are able to grasp. A plan to prosper you and not harm you. A plan to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)
All too often people just settle in life.
They settle for what they think they can do; what they think they can accomplish.
Never realizing that there is much, much more that they are capable of being. Never understanding that God created them to do more than they think they can.
Much more.
So whatever you are facing right now, remember that you are not alone.
He wants to give you a life that is much more than you can think or imagine. (Eph.3:20)
Join me today in living a ‘much more’ life.
Trust in Him to give you all that you need to do that.
Open your eyes and begin to see it with His eyes.
Nothing is too hard.
No, nothing is too difficult.
You and God can do much more than you can possibly imagine.
Oh yes!
I found myself nodding from beginning to end.
Hurray for Tim. He knows what’s important.
Hurray for God. He supplies all the “much more” we need, from our first breath ’til the very last.
I love your writing. I never leave here without reading your posts twice.
Thank you, Sharon, and may God bless you much more than your wildest dreams.
Your comments delight me much more than you can possibly know, Bonnie. I’m looking forward to seeing what God will do this year with your photography. I have no doubt that it will be much more than either of us can possibly imagine.