The need is great. All around us are people hurting and longing for release from pain, pressure and poverty.
I look at my meager supply with frustration. It is too small. No matter how hard I try to make it spread I can’t make it wrap itself around this hurting world or even dent the immense need. I can’t even spread it very far in my own neighborhood but I try.
Never will I forget my longing to scoop up all the children in the orphanage and pull them to me. They all deserved love and a family of their own. I was ready and willing.
But I had limits. I knew that I could only take this little baby in my arms. As I walked that long hall on my way out of that orphanage my ears rang with the piercing cries of those children. Although it has been many years I do not forget. I must not.
But every need is not a call.
God is God and I most certainly am not.
I live with limits in every area. Physical, emotional, material…..
He has not created me to meet every need. Only He can do that.
But He has called me to give and spend my life doing what I can. Caring for my two daughters. Serving Him with all I have and am. It is important that I learn to live within my limits and not become confused or I find myself becoming overwhelmed.
The needs are so great wherever you go.
But if every one of us follows God’s call and does what he can no matter how seemingly small, He will multiply our simple loaves and fishes and use them to do more than we can possibly imagine. I believe that. Do you?
Listen in the quiet. Pay attention to what tugs at your heart. A cup of cold water here.
A piece of bread there. A smile. A hug. A note written just at the right time.
That’s exactly how God lovingly works to meet the needs.
Fix your gaze upon His Face and follow Him.
One moment at a time.
One action after another.