Peace Begins With a Smile

Sep 13, 2011

Life is filled with difficulty.  Weather disasters. Financial losses. Health struggles.

Day after day I hear news of another soul struggling.  How do we handle it when life throws us its worse? Are there keys for coping? I believe there are.

 Years ago I sat alone in a small room in Kiev staring at piles of little pink clothes. The day before I had met a tiny toddler and agree to adopt her. My heart had beaten excitedly as I shopped for clothes to bring her home. But the very next day I was informed that the adoption was not possible. Not only that, there were no other possibilities.

 My heart was heavy with disappointment. I had already spent three weeks in Ukraine away from my eight year old. My finances were depleted. My hopes were dashed. As I sat in that room that morning far away from friends and family my sadness grew.

 I had to go home without a little one. Sigh. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I packed the clothes in my suitcase.

 Reaching into my purse for a Kleenex my eyes happened to fall upon a small photo of my daughter. Her bright smiling brown eyes seemed to reach out to me and speak.

 “It’s okay Mommy.”  My heart moved within and I found myself smiling back.

 “Yes, it’s okay. It will be okay. Nothing happens by accident. It will be okay.”

 With that I felt the stirrings of a fresh wave of strength. Yes, I was still disappointed but no longer devastated. I was still sad but not without hope.

 Peace began with a smile.

 No matter what your need today remember that you are not alone. The One Who promised to never leave you is with you right now. He will make a Way. He is still the God of the Impossible.

 Trust Him and smile.


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