“Security is not the absence of danger, but the presence of God, no matter what the danger.”
I will never forget yesterday. After lunch I went upstairs to work at my computer. My oldest daughter who is a freshman at Liberty Universitystudied on her laptop downstairs. And Jenny, my youngest, sat on her bed deeply engrossed in her sixth grade assignments.
All was calm.
My thoughts were focused on an article I was writing about the importance of planning in life. Yes, planning gives us direction and purpose and….
Suddenly I felt the floor shaking and heard a loud roar coming closer. I sprang from my chair and raced to the top of the stairs. Behind me the washer and dryer were dancing back and forth. Windows were shaking and I heard the sounds of voices outside.
“Get outside.” My eyes glanced and I saw my youngest running downstairs. The noise of moving bookshelves caught my attention. Could I make it down the stairs? I had to try.
Racing faster than my feet could go I said it again.
“Now. Get outside!”
There was no time to prepare or grab anything.
We dashed out the front door to see people standing around gazing back at our homes. Small children held in their mothers’ arms cried. Sounds of breaking glass. Groans of frightened neighbors. People arms around each other.
The Presence of God all around.
finally the ground under my bare feet stopped shaking. I breathed a bit easier as I drew my daughters close to me.
It was scary. There is no denying that. We had never experienced anything like it before.
Today our nerves are still tense as we notice every sound and every tremor.
But Something is stronger and bigger than all of our fears. Jesus.
The One Who calmed the sea many years ago still whispers “Peace be still.”
Yes as we take comfort in His Loving Presence today I thank Him that He reveals Himself again as the only security. Plans for today are all subject to His Will.
Years ago we sang in Sunday school ‘Safe Am I.
Safe Am I
In the hollow of His Hand.’
Rest in His loving care for you today, my friends.
I felt the earthquake here in Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. It only lasted about 5 seconds here but was unnerving. I am glad you and the girls are okay as well as most of Culpeper. I have heard some of the historic buildings downtown have been condemned.
Yes, we are all okay. Some buildings in Culpeper are condemned but no one was hurt. Amazing!!! Thanks, Barbara for your comments today.
It was unreal…and seemed to last forever. I was at work…didn’t have the sense to get under my desk or leave the building- but founded myself wondering how long it was going to take for the ceiling to fall.
I am so thankful no one was hurt, including you and your family, Sharon. And thankful for your reminders of Who is the firm foundation, and where our security truly resides.
Joining you in thanksgiving, Kathy. Glad you too are safe.