The plant looked almost dead when I brought it home a few years ago.
But I just couldn’t bring myself to throw it away.
No, it had been the plant my mother had gotten from friends when her mother (my grandmother) had died.
It had been part of my growing up as we moved from here to there across the country.
Now, though, as I looked at it my heart was heavy.
All through the long days and weeks of my mom’s decline it hadn’t been watered.
Was I going to lose this too?
Carefully I pulled away the dead leaves, watered the plant and place the pot in the corner of
the dining room.
As with all things, time would tell.
God knows.
He sees.
He cares.
Over the next few weeks it began to shoot new growth
and today it happily lives – green and growing
reminding me that new life can come from seemingly dead plants.
The same is also true
for relationships.
It is all too easy to throw out the pot,
cross off the relationship,
and consider it done. Only a memory.
But we serve a God Who continues to breathe fresh life
into what might look dead to us.
I must be careful that I not consider something
just because it looks hopeless to me.
I must remember that God is the God of Life
and nothing is impossible with Him.
He continues to call us to plant His Seeds of Hope
and Life
and Peace
in a world that gives up oftentimes all too quickly.
Can these dead bones live? Ezekiel 37
Yes. But only as we begin to live out the heart of God with a passion
like never before.
Can these dead bones live?
Yes, I am seeing it happen every day.