Yesterday God lovingly pushed back the boundaries of my narrow world
and showed me a treasure house that exists very close to where my girls and I live.
Shining moments all around.
Glimpses of Heaven’s Glory here on earth.
Time and space do not allow me to share alot of the golden moments we experienced
but one sweet moment made a deep imprint on my heart.
I think you’ll understand why.
Together we walk through the grassy field to see the chickens.
The Farmer explained some of their process of raising the chickens. Healthy, grass-eating. And then I saw it in the distance.
A little chick on the other side of the fenced in area. Seemingly carefree. Probably thinking that no one knew. He had gotten out.
What kind of freedom could that possibly be?
But the Farmer saw the wanderer too and pointed it out to me before he strode over close to where the chick was playing.
And he stood.
Just stood in front of his wandering chick.
That wandering one must have gulped as it saw the familiar shoes right in front of him.
It scurried quickly back to the opening in the fence.
Darted in and rejoined the others. Who knows what tales he told the others.
In that moment I saw myself
Prone to wander Lord I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love.*
And I saw God’s lovingkindness as He stands
To show us His Way
His Truth
His Redeeming Grace
No screaming words were spoken
No harshness
Just that firm position blocking the wrong way
Revealing the path back.
Calling for a U-turn.
A complete turnabout.
It is all too easy to get off track these days
to lose our way in a world filled with distractions, easy fixes, and harmful choices.
But like that Farmer
God stands
Calling us to follow Him
Calling us to leave our willfulness and selfish choices
and let Him provide for all our needs.
Let’s turn our eyes upon Jesus
and see Him as He stands showing us His Way for our lives
His Love longs for us to know Him more fully
and to trust Him completely
to care for us every minute of the day
as we journey through life.
O Thou Fount of every blessing
Tune my hearts to sing Thy grace. *
*Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing