Get excited about it.
Let that truth sink deep within you.
Listen now…
But with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26
All things.
I tend to think too small.
To believe to little
But the older I’m growing the more I’m beginning to realize
what He told us all along.
With God ALL THINGS are possible.
Wow. Sound the trumpet.
Wave your banners.
Nothing is too hard for our God.
So what are you facing today?
What mountain of a challenge is pressing on you
causing you worry and nagging fears?
What wakes you up in the middle of the night
making it difficult for you to go back to sleep?
David knew it when he walked up to that mean monster of a giant, Goliath.
Daniel knew it when we paced the dungeon floor eyeing the hungry lions.
Esther knew it when she sat down at the banquet table and looked at Haman in the eye.
Mary knew it as she rode that donkey being heavy with child.
Nothing is too hard for God.
When I look in front of me today I see numerous challenges to face.
Difficult situations.
Decisions needing to be made.
Much to do
just like you.
If I look at those things I just get weary
but when I look up
up high above all of this
into His loving Face
and I think about His Promises
His Power
His Plan
I sense that I am not alone.
No, He is with me
and All Things are possible.
Let’s not let ourselves become weakened on the journey.
Let’s not begin to falter and doubt.
No, let’s cling to His Promises
Share them with others
Comfort each other with these words.
With our God, All Things are possible!