We are surrounded with gifts but all too often they exist without our awareness.
Yes, please open my eyes, I pray every day.
Help me to see.
Help me to notice
What might so easily be hidden from my view.
About a year ago my girls and I set the alarm very early.
We had all agreed that we wanted to see the sunrise.
But it was dark that morning when we tumbled out of bed and threw on our clothes.
It was beginning to grow light as I poured some hot coffee in the thermos and grabbed my keys.
Out the door we went while the world around us slept on.
We drove to a high place where you could look down on the town.
There we parked and waited.
Over in the east we saw the slightest hint of the wonder to come.
With excitement our eyes were glued.
We waited.
We watched.
And then we all got out of the car and stood marveling at the ball of red as it peeked
over the horizon.
It was a glorious sight.
Just a little at first and within seconds the sun was fully in view
Brightening the sky with its brilliance and color.
Pinks, oranges and reds all around.
A fantastic display of God’s Glory.
We sleep through it most of the time.
Shining moments that pass us by.
But oh the joy when we intentionally look
and purposefully see
then we see more
for there is much much more for us to see.
Yes, a lifetime is too short for us to even begin to skim the surface of the shining moments all around us.
Just for today
let’s look
Just for today
let’s see
While the world sleeps on let’s arouse ourselves and open our eyes.
To the thousands upon thousands of shining moments all around.
My husband and I have what we have affectionately named them “sunrise saturdays”….we get up really early and search out a place to view the sunrise and reflect on the goodness of God as we watch Him paint with such brilliance. The first time my hubby took me to see a sunrise, the sight of it and glory of it inspired me to just weep before God right where we were. It still causes a great awe anytime we watch, I’m so amazed at the Creator. It truly is an awesome sight to behold.
What a beautiful idea, Robyn. It always leaves me speechless as my soul is deeply moved. Holy Ground!
I couldn’t have said it better myself.