Every day is filled with fresh possibilities.
It’s all too easy to sit in the easy chair and settle for less in life, don’t you think?
Coming home from a wonderful vacation left us with not only suitcases to unpack
and lots of clothes to wash
but also a need for a refocusing.
You can’t live off of the joys of yesterday.
No life is meant to be lived forward
brightened by the shining moments of yesterdays
but energized
by the light of His Presence in the now.
I read it again and again in scripture
‘Get up’ to the lame beggar (John 5:6)
Get up’ to the beloved Dorcas who had died (Acts 9:40)
Get up to Aeneas who had been paralyzed and bedridden for 8 years (Acts 9:34)
There is work to be done today.
There are people that need our touch today.
There are things to do that only you can do.
Things that only I can do.
We must be focused on what is at hand
moment by moment
day by day.
Seize the day. Embrace all the moments to love deeply and give yourself away.
Life is fleeting; the moments are passing.
At the park on Saturday I looked around at all the beauty
I breathed in the crisp, fall-like air
I listened to the sounds of birds and leaves rustling in the breeze
and once more I rejoiced.
God’s gifts are for every day.
He showers His Love all around us in countless ways.
All too often though we are too busy to notice
but when we slow our pace and open our eyes we are amazed.
That’s was just how I felt when I saw this heron at the park on Saturday.
Beautiful to behold.
So unexpected at our local park
but there just the same. Looking quite pleased with himself.
Today has its own gifts.
All around on every side.
A tender child
A dear friend
The nuzzling of a beloved dog
And the song of a bird sweetly singing through the day.
Gather your gifts while you can.
Always praising the Giver of all.
Get up, my friends.
Get up.