Shining Moments

Sep 18, 2012

Every day we went there. Sometimes more than once.

No, it wasn’t the ice cream store

And no, it wasn’t the candy store.

No, every day we walked down the street from the place where we stayed

      to the Long Sands General Store.

It’s a store like none other.

Something for everybody. Food to newspapers to coffee to toys.

But that’s not what drew us there like an invisible magnet.

Sure, the chicken tenders and fries and great; the potato salad delicious;

   the pizzas superb, the blueberry muffins like grandmas

 but there’s another special quality that characterizes this store up north

  so that  year after year

  we can hardly wait to go again.

Early in the morning we walk the long beach

  stopping off at Long Sands General Store to buy a paper

    and oftentimes a coffee and donut or two.

As I approach the store I can hear the sound of happiness and uplift.

People bantering


      friendly greetings

        and the smiling gal behind the counter giving each person warmth and attention.

Yes, in a world that has all too often become impersonal and cold

   I find myself drawn to Long Sand General Store because it is personal.

From hugs and smiles on the first day we arrive

   to well wishes on our last day

    they consistently communicate to everyone

     that they are important.

An attitude like that is contagious!

Yes, people respond to it with smiles

   from the young to the old.

Even the dogs tied up outside the store waiting while their owners grab a bite

   seem to smile and wag their tails harder.

Ah, what a reminder, as I write on this rainy morning in Virginia.

A smile draws forth more smiles

a positive tone

a caring question.

We all need more of it, don’t you think?

Yes, you are doing well Long Sands General Store.

You raise the bar to a level that we must all stretch to reach

    wherever we live.

Let’s treat each person we meet with kindness and care.

Let’s reach out with a smile and genuine care.

One person’s actions create a ripple

   that never stops. So let’s do it. Ok?

And that’s the way it should be.

Shining moments everywhere.


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