Day after day
moment after moment
even though things might seem the same
count on it
They are not.
So we cherish the good times and hold our plans lightly.
For tomorrow might never come;
It’s all in the Hands of the One Who Loves us and gave His life for us.
While at the beach we longed for sunny days but having spent many summers there
in the past
we knew to leave each day with God.
The night before we would discuss some possibilities
fly a kite,
surfing lessons (oh yes)
spending the whole day at the beach.
But time after time the day would break cloudy.
We’d walk the wet sand enjoying the morning
knowing that it would change.
Just give it time.
By mid morning I would begin to see patches of blue
here and there in the sky.
At first postage stamp size
then growing bigger
until the beautiful blue finally took over the whole sky.
By this time we would have already rearranged our days activities.
One day the wind kicked up
but I knew that in the time it would take to put together a kite
the weather would change again.
Life is like that, isn’t it.
We just about get used to things being one way and then it changes.
Children grow, teens become more independent,
aging parents need more assistance.
jobs change
health fluctuates
and on and on and on.
Wisdom is having a balanced approach to life.
Although life is always changing
hold onto what doesn’t ever change.
Love is eternal.
The sun always shines
Yes somewhere up there it still shines.
Jesus lives
and loves and cares for you intimately.
He has promised,
“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
In the midst of all that changes His Words hold firm.
Trust Him today.
The weather and everything else might change in just a few minutes
but He never changes.
Embrace His gift of peace
for you.