‘When you walk through the storm
Keep your head up high’
As I played the piano my eyes gazed across those singing in the chor.
How could it possibly be that this was our last concert
Our last time singing together?
Tears pressed behind my eyes blurring the notes in front of me.
I was glad that I knew the accompiament so well.
And don’t be afraid of the dark.
I was afraid. No doubt about it.
The very thought of graduating from high school
and leaving Owego to go hours and hours away to college
filled me with great fear.
These were the kids I knew
and this was the world I had grown to feel safe in.
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark
No, I couldn’t see it back then so many years ago.
My fears loomed so large
and my confidence so small.
All that I knew as the choir sang that last song
was that everything was changing.
That within days everyone would be going their separate ways.
and then what?
Fast forward time to today.
At this moment my high school class is coming from north, south, east and west
to celebrate the 45th year class reunion.
My heart has difficulty grasping the passage of so many years.
For me, its like yesterday that we sang that song.
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through that rain
Tho your dreams be tossed and blown.
We’ve certainly experienced that.
One after another has a story to tell of the challenges they’ve faced
the difficulties overcome.
But what thrills me so much today
Is that we are still walking on.
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart.
Life can be excruciating at times
Knocking you completely off balance
Life can leave you gasping for breath and wondering if you’ll ever be alright again.
But you keep walking
One foot put in front of the other one.
Keep moving forward.
Beginning to see more that I ever could when I was eighteen.
You’ll never walk alone.
No there is one who walks beside us
Always loving. Always caring.
Longing for us to open our eyes and see Him.
He is the Unseen Presence. The One Who wants to be more than an idea
Or a concept
Or a creed.
He is Life and offers us life abundant.
Yes, lots of changes in the past few years.
Classmates gathering soon. Celebrating the good times and the old.
Yes, I can still hear the last measures of that song
You’ll never walk alone.
Truth that makes the most fearful ones of us
strong and confident as we face life today.
* You’ll Never Walk Alone by Rogers and Hammerstein