Something I need but often don’t get.
How about you?
I totally enjoy jogging 3-4 miles up and down the streets
but that’s not always possible.
Weather, demands of my job, responsibilities
But now that’s changed.
for 30 days at least.
Yes, I signed up for a one month membership at a local fitness center.
So excited.
This morning was our first day to get a real work out.
Treadmill, lifting weights.
up and down
breathing hard
work out.
The lift always comes when I finish
the work out.
Somehow everything goes smoother.
I have more energy
More snap in my step
Just an all over together feeling.
Why do I sometimes say that I don’t have time?
Could it be that when I work out I gain the time at the other end?
How about you?
Are you working out on a regular basis?
Do you walk? Or jog or lift any weights?
Maybe its time to consider a work out.
Before the cold of winter settles in
Before the holidays
Be intentional
Boost your energy
Give yourself that gift of fitness.
Work out.
Those words remind me of deep truth.
‘Work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work for His Pleasure.’ Philippians 2:12, 13
He is at work. A promise to know. A reassurance to cling to. A hope to stand upon.
While we are responsible to work out….to live out our salvation with an awareness and reference of Him and also an understanding of our dependence on Him.
He continues to lovingly work in us
changing us
transforming us into all He wants us to be.
Work out
Yes, it’s a time of working out.
We work out
and He works in
I just get excited at that picture.
How about you?
Very inspiring. I loved reading this. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing! Always nice to hear your thoughts.