Shining Moments

Oct 16, 2012

Aflame with the fire of God.

    Thank you Elizabeth Browning, for those brilliant words.

They came to mind early this morning when I left the house.

Locked the door

    Walked down the front walk

        And then I saw it. Right across the street

    Practically shouting at me to see.

The most amazing tree ablaze with color.

Deep reds and vivid oranges shining in the morning sunlight.

Glorious to behold.

Run get the camera. This is too special to miss.

Take off your shoes.

Aflame with the fire of God……

    so close to me.

“Right here where we live.”




 His glory blazes right where you and I live.

Oftentimes we don’t see it.

We forget

   and then suddenly something happens.

He touches on the shoulder


     “You are standing on holy ground.”

Take off your shoes.

He’s alive

   He is ALIVE

       And every bush, every tree, every person, every living creature is

          Alive with His Glory.

Let’s open our eyes and see.

Seeing it changes everything.

My day is different.

Holy touched ordinary transforming it and causing it to shine with brilliance.

See yourself clothed in His Light

    like that lovely maple tree was this morning.

See yourself transformed.

    Proclaiming the wonder of His Love.

Day after day

    Night after night.

Knowing Him

   like putting on glasses for the first time

    changes how everything looks.

Aflame with the fire of God.

Yes, Elizabeth Browning, He lights up our lives shining Glory light on everything.

Take off my shoes.

My heart bows low in humble awareness of His Glory.

A morning prayer

    a glorious awakening.

‘but only those who see take off their shoes.

 The rest just pick berries.’

Let’s leave those berries, my friends.

Take my hand and open your eyes.

Our world is aflame with His Glory.

Do you see it?

And when you do

   you won’t be able to resist taking off your shoes either.



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