I saw them when I went to adopt.
Children. So many little ones needing a family of their own.
Children who were different.
Precious ones who needed something more.
My heart yearned to scoop up these children.
To bring them home and to do all I could for them.
I know that no matter how it might seem to us
these little bundles of life
are so precious in His Sight.
That differences are often abilities
not disabilities
that we are the ones who need to be taught by them.
In a world that oftentimes measures worth by IQ
these children
are oftentimes not valued as much.
But God sees it differently, doesn’t He?
He says every little child is precious in His Sight.
He calls us to reach out
and love them with all their differences
to watch and learn
what love really is.
And as we do this we are changed.
Yes, we are changed!
Years and years of teaching taught me the importance
of seeing with His Eyes.
And when I do how things look to me
No mistakes.
only continued opportunities to glimpse His Glory.
Let’s learn to love..really love.
Let’s discover what is truly beautiful!
There are children at this moment
that desperately need a family.
They quietly wait day after day.
According to all the paperwork
they are ‘special’.
These are the very ones who have a right to life.
Consider again how you see these little ones.
These precious bundles of potentiality.
Reach out
and touch a life.
Their life is worth living!
And as you do it
your life will be forever changed.