Scoop it clean!
Carve it just right
so that the light can shine through.
Reminds me of life.
Cut it out
things that needed to go
difficult moments in which the Lord took out
salty tear moments that I will never forget.
And the Master Designer continues to shape my life
and yours.
While we are going through it
the process is hard. Excruciating.
Cut it out! Carve it! Scoop it clean moments!
Ouch my spirit screams
But He continues to work
taking out
to make room for what He will put in.
taking out to make room for His Love and Grace to shine through.
taking out some more.
Shaping to make us for His Purpose
The purpose for which we were born in the first place.
Using those strengths
Making room for those qualitites to have a chance.
Scoop it clean of clutter and the unnecessaries.
Cut it out!
Scoop it clean!
Carve it just right!
That seems to be a marvelous picture of His Transforming Grace
in our lives.
Day by Day.
Moment by moment.
But then there comes the time
When I sense He steps back from His creation and says,
“Just beautiful!”
His Light begins to flicker brightly in the dark world.
Yes, just beautiful.
That’s how you look to Him today
wherever you are.
Surrender to the process knowing that there is a reason.
His Loving Hands can be trusted.
Cut it out!
Scoop it out!
Carve it some more!
He’s making your life
one that will shine like none other.
always involves letting go
and receiving.
Keep your eyes on the purpose
while gazing into His Eyes of Love.