“Yes, we will be in our new house by Christmas,” he said.
“But I’m already Home with Him.”
Words that sparkled with truth.
Home with Him,
What does it mean to you
to be home with the Lord?
My mind wandered back to the many houses I’ve lived in over the years.
Each one different.
Filled with special memories.
Family and friends. Schools and communities.
For a season, I’d think that I was home
but then I’d have to move
But there is a Home where we never have to leave.
A Presence like none other.
Abraham discovered it
and although he traveled not knowing where he was going
he knew who was walked with Him.
Moses and David knew the Glorious Presence
Even though their lives took unexpected twists and turns
that sense of Presence was real.
Never about their efforts or perfection.
They struggled as we all do.
But they each discovered
in the midst of the ordinary
the One Who loved them and gave them a relationship
of Home.
Years ago as I traveled on the night train in Russia
holding my tiny newly adopted baby girl
I felt His closeness.
Wrapped in the holy as we rode through the cold
I knew that I was not alone.
No, there was One Who walked with me.
One Who whispered His calm assurance.
I will never forget it.
Although I was halfway around the world from my home
I felt Home.
Mary and Joseph experienced Home as they gazed upon
Baby Jesus.
Home drew them close with warmth and mystery.
These days are oftentimes filled with lots of activity
as we prepare for Christmas.
Let’s never forget, though,
that there’s no place like Home for the holidays.
And they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is,
God with us. Matthew 1:23
He wants to be our Home
today and every day.
our resting Place.
Our Glorious Presence in an ever-changing world.
Eternal shining moments.