Be it unto me according to Thy Word. Luke 1:38
Each year I read again the Christmas story
and am gripped by these words.
Simple words.
Strong words.
Words of a trusting heart.
Where did Mary learn to trust her God
so completely?
How did these words flow immediately
from her mouth
upon hearing the amazing news
that she would become the mother of Jesus?
When did this heart of surrender become birthed within her?
I will never know
but this I do know.
Her example of a life surrendered to the will of the Father
is what I long to have.
Moment by moment
step by step
seeking to follow His Him in everything.
Today it is all too common
to question
to debate the pros and cons
to text a friend first
or even take a poll.
Where is the life of quiet trust in Him?
Trusting that when He calls us
He will supply our every need.
Awesome to think about
Walking on Holy ground as we reflect.
Our human reaction is more often than not fear
and doubt and a desire to protect ourselves from harm.
But Mary’s heart received the news with humility and faith.
And with it
she received His Strength and Grace and Peace overflowing.
Did you ever sense a call to do something
but at the time
you were afraid so you never did it?
Maybe it’s time to go back to that place
to confess your disobedience and then to do what He called you to do.
His callings are always His enablings.
Mary found the Lord to be faithful in even the smallest details.
You will find Him to be faithful too.
Have no fear.
His Word declares that He is your great I Am.
You have not even begun to see all that the Lord longs to do in and through you.