Shining Moments

Dec 18, 2012

Have you ever had a moment

that you knew was special?

We are surrounded by His Presence

and I yearn to pick up on these ‘God sightings’

on a regular basis.


this past Sunday I was sitting in a room-

a room that was filled with people.

All of a sudden a little boy came walking in.

He must have been around 4 or 5.

We all stopped and watched.

As he walked over to the director

intent on sharing something very important.

But as he walked

I sensed a holy hush fill the room.

With the recent shootings

of so many precious little ones

maybe my heart is even more aware,

more keenly sensitive.

I looked at his small feet

and his tiny legs.

So young

so innocent

so precious in His Sight.

He spoke quietly

and I noticed his serious expression.

Jesus loves the little children

   all the children of the world.

My heart yearned to somehow protect this young boy.

To give him a life where he could be free from fear and anxiety.

To shelter him from pain and tragedy.

Strains of the familiar Christmas carol

played in my heart.

Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay.

Close by me forever and love me I pray.

Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care.

Let’s gather the children closer to us.

Let’s hold them closely and show them our love.

Let’s do everything we can to value them and protect them.

Let’s pray for our children

and continue to shelter them with our love.

Let’s not focus on what is not in our power to do

but instead may our tears

soften the soil of hearts all over

to do all we can to show the children

a way

a path

a life of faith

that trusts in the Lord all the time.

In a struggling world

let’s lift our lights higher with praise

to the One Who holds the children closest to His Heart.

Just a passing moment

and that little boy disappeared out the door

but that memory of him will stay with me for a long time.


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