Shining Moments

Dec 20, 2012

She works long hours

day after day

struggling to make a few dollars.

Hiding it carefully away.

Planning Christmas for her young children.

Yes, day after day she comes to work.

Weary with the additional hours

and longing to somehow find the time

to buy a few things for her little ones.

A game here.

A small trike.

Some blocks.

Not much by this world’s standards

But she knows her kids will be happy.

Day after day she works at that counter

and sometimes wishing that people would realize

how very hard she tries to do her job.

I noticed her as I stood in line the other day.

She and so many like her

need our kindness

and care.

It can be a very hard time for many.

Carrying heavy burdens.

Struggling to make ends meet.

My heart longs to lift their burdens

and to whisper to them

that Jesus knows and cares.

So much that I can’t do

But this I can.

When it came my turn

I met her eyes and gave her a warm greeting.

I smiled and encouraged her.

Suddenly her face broke into the biggest smile.

Yes, just a simple word

makes a huge difference to those who are working so hard.

Let’s give what we can

and let Him use us

to make this Christmas

the best ever.

In our corner of the world

let’s light the way

so that others might know

that He is the reason for the season.

Yes, joy to the world

the Lord has come. 


  1. Mary Sayler

    Sharon, thank you for reminding us (for reminding me!) of the value of a kind gesture or acknowledgement that, “Yes, I see you. I appreciate you.” What a difference a smile makes to someone who’s been getting scowls all day! PTL, you have such a lovely smile too. 🙂

    • SharonBrani

      Thank you, Mary. Your kinds words bless me!! Merry Christmas, dear friend.

  2. Rosalie Squires

    Yes, so often it is the little things that count. The little things for us can be huge for someone else. It’s like that cup of water that Jesus talks about giving to the least of his brothers. That keeps coming to mind a lot recently. We can be so busy trying to change the world, our idea of ‘The World’, that we miss the person right in front of us and the small word or action that means the world to them.

    • SharonBrani

      Thank you for your comments. Yes, it’s the one right in front of us that we must touch. So true!!


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